Meet Your Coach

Hi, I'm Kes.

I've learned the fundamentals of long-term success.

These fundamentals helped me buy 21 properties in one year after struggling for years in my corporate job. Within three years, I had a business that was building a legacy for my family. It's changed the trajectory of my future.

It has brought me both time and financial freedom.

I then built a high performance, mindset coaching business because I discovered transforming lives was my purpose.

I want to help you find and live on purpose. I believe this is the only way to bring real wealth and security!

Let’s do this together and make it happen for you now!

Don't Stay Stuck. Take a Look at This ...

“Keston dissected the part of me that I never discovered before. He can point out exactly what I need to do to overcome the fears holding me back because he’s such a phenomenal listener! Keston can see the vision far beyond what’s already in front of you. The program was life-changing for me, and I know it can be for you too!”

"If mindset and self-limiting beliefs have been holding you back, I’m here to tell you investing in yourself is the most important thing! If you’re serious about it but just need the correct guidance, this is the program for you. I am forever grateful for Keston. He’s helped shift my entire life. I am better because of my inner monologue and how I talk to myself.”

Keston, I appreciate you so much. You allowed me to connect to a part I had dormant for so long. My mindset was holding me back. I’ve never been so clear as I am now...on my journey, my goals, and my path to achieving them. Thank you so much. My work isn’t done; it’s only the beginning. If anyone wants to learn how to get clear on your mindset, join Keston.

You're not alone!

Find your purpose and gain clarity so you can enjoy more time with your family and stop worrying about your next paycheck.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to attend LIVE?

While we recommend you attend LIVE, it is not mandatory. You can always catch the replays.

Is this program right for me?

If you want to break free from your current 9-5… gain more time with your family… build a business that aligns with your values, then this program is for you. If you’re driven, passionate, and hard-working and would benefit from ongoing coaching, mindset work, and accountability, then this program is for you. If you’re stuck in a pattern of bad habits and filled with self-doubt but know in your heart that building a real estate business is what you’re meant to do, then this program is for you.

How much time should I expect to invest in this program?

You can put in as much or as little time as you’d like. Everyone’s journey looks a little different, and so do your goals. However, the more time you invest, the more you will get out of this program.

Can I really become a real estate investor with a profitable business?

Yes. You wouldn’t have this dream if you didn’t already have what it takes to make it happen. By joining this program, you’ll have the coaching that gives you the tools, strategies, action steps, and accountability to bring your business to life. I have confidence in you.

Do I get one-on-one support?

This is a group-coaching program so while you won’t get specific one-on-one time with me, you will have the opportunity to have all your questions answered during our weekly LIVE training calls and Q&A. You’ll also have access to our private Facebook Community where you’ll not only have my support and attention but all of the incredible individuals on their journey alongside you.

I have more questions. Can you help answer those?

Absolutely! Feel free to email me at, and my team will be happy to answer all of your questions.

“Imagine standing before your Creator at the end of your life, and he asks: 
Did you use the time I gifted you each day to be a purposeful being? 
Did you follow your own path and make your time count? 
How faithfully did you tend to the dream I sowed in your soul?"

Brandon Burchard

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